We’re now also on YouTube!

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Did you know that Kehidupan Anda now has its own YouTube channel?

Here we publish new (as well as older) videos about our school, the dive training Simone is doing, and reports of all kinds of activities our children are doing in North Sulawesi.

Students love appearing in our videos, especially in this age of social media, influencers and internet celebrities. It is a special moment for them to be in the spotlight for a while, and they can share the videos with their friends.

In the video below, it is clear that Gabriel (the second boy interviewed) in particular is having a hard time not succumbing to the tension, apart from the fact that he was obviously just nervous for his first Open Water dive!

If you are not yet subscribed, please do not hesitate to subscribe, leave a comment and a like on our videos.

The first open water dive


Arjen Bokhoven
As webmaster of the foundation, I take care of most of the technical issues. Married and living in Manado, North Sulawesi. Owner of the cutest dog and cat. In my spare time I like to play darts.

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