Meet our newest correspondents!

1 yesi jeysy

After extensive consultation, we have appointed former students Yesi and Jeysy as official reporters for our school. They will provide regular blog posts for our website, so you will always be up to date with everything that happens in the school.


Hi Jeysy, can you introduce yourself?

My name is Jeysy Manahede and I am 25 years old. I am from the island of Lembeh. In 2013, I enrolled in the diving school of SMK Solagratia. After completing the training, I was fortunate to receive a scholarship from the provincial government, and I was able to do advanced studies in Manado State University from 2016 to 2020.

After graduation, I went back to my old school, but this time as a teacher. Now I teach German language, art & culture and religious studies.

So what can we expect from you?
Everything in and around the school that is noteworthy. From a look inside our classrooms to special campaigns we run in the area.


Hello Yesi, introduce yourself….

I am Yesi Pontoh, and I live in the village of Pangiang in North Sulawesi, but I was born in Batusaiki, Manado in 1992.
I passed my exam in this school in 2010, making me one of the first graduates since SMK Solagratia was founded.

I really wanted to become a diver, but unfortunately my parents didn’t think that was such a good idea. That’s why I took a course in Hospitality here.

And what did you do after that?
I found work at a dive center in Bali for a few months, then returned to Manado. Eventually I ended up at Thalassa Dive Resorts and now work here in the front office. I now focus mainly on social media and marketing.

I will share updates from our school, and I like to show how a village school in Indonesia functions….

Well, ladies. We are glad you are willing to commit to our school!


Arjen Bokhoven
As webmaster of the foundation, I take care of most of the technical issues. Married and living in Manado, North Sulawesi. Owner of the cutest dog and cat. In my spare time I like to play darts.

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