Christmas celebration in North Sulawesi

Kerst 00004

On December 15 there was another traditional Christmas worship at the school. For this we were invited with an official ” Invitation ” to be present. True to tradition, the room was decorated in a Christmas atmosphere. Among the invited guests were some dignitaries as well as guests of Thalassa.

It was an official celebration presided over by the pastor. During the celebration there was also singing and dancing. There was also room for various speeches by Simone, the Lurah (village head) and the head of the school Henkie.

The best students were also surprised with a gift. Even Simone received a surprise from the teachers.

Everything ended in style with drinks and sweets.

Surprise for the best students.
The invitation…


Paul Meijer
Voorzitter van Stichting Kehidupan Anda. Ik hou van reizen, mijn hond en mijn Yvonne. Ik kom jaarlijks naar Noord Sulawesi om te kijken hoe het er voor staat in de school, de leraren en onze dorpskinderen.

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